digitális matek

Primes and Divisibility

Primes and Divisibility Prime numbers are the most interesting objects in number theory. The mystery of prime numbers lies in the fact that there is no known algorithm whose -th step gives the -th prime number. Primes are like surprise in your life: there is no simple rule to know how they follow each other […]

Diophantine equations

Diophantine equations Maybe the most familiar and important mathematical concept you meet in your math studies is equation. Mathematicians try to express the world in equations. Of course, there is no “World Equation”, but there are very famous equations which may have changed the world. Maybe Einstein’s E=mc2 from physics should come into your mind. […]

BOTS50 Math Challenge

  BOTS50 Math Challenge – 128 Students The first national mathematical competition for secondary school students in Botswana was organized on the 22nd November. The event was a part of the golden jubilee independence celebrations on the occasion of the 50th Independence Day of Botswana. The competition was organized by the Mathematical Association of Botswana […]